April 08, 2007


I went into the the theatre on friday to see Grindhouse with high expectations. Quentin Tarantino is one of my favourite directors and responsible for some great films (Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill). Robert Rodriguez, his good friend, is as well (Desperado, Sin City). Grindhouse is composed of 2 movies, Planet Terror (directed by Rodriguez) and Death Proof (Tarantino). The two movies are extremely different but work well together. I don't think two straight actiony movies would have been bearable, so Quentin's dialogue driven half is a relief. I can't choose a favourite, both have their pros and cons. Planet Terror has most of the laughs and the action and the gore (and the better use of a "missing reel" gag). Whereas Death Proofs' characters are far more interesting and the ending is far superior. So in the end I realize on their own these movies actually aren't better or worse, but incomplete. It's one overall great piece, Grindhouse. A movie that might not have any of the qualities you usually look for in a great film, but somehow is still great. Maybe not as outstanding as each director's previous work, but it's probably the most fun you will have in the theatre this year.

out of five


Anonymous said...

Only four stars?

Anonymous said...

Who is this strange anonymous commenter???

Anonymous said...

Your MOM

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhh :(