Sorry about that Adam, my fault entirely. Far be it from me to post infrequently on this blog. However, Yes, I am Back from the wanderings that I partook in mine own mind, and while there was a space of a month in between my previous post and this one, rest assured they will only get more frequent. Unless I die. Which would be unfortunate. However, because I just learned today that I did not make it into Cap college I suddenly will have much more spare time in the upcoming year (read: no life) so perhaps I shall dedicate my life to the bronze, in commemoration to all it has given me in return.
In any case I must be off, but I just wanted to make sure people know I haven't forgotten about this fabulous posting network I belong to. On a quick side note; the new Insert
album comes out on Friday the 25th, and the CD will be released at a show at the North Shore Alliance church, the cost is $7 dollars entrance plus $10 for a CD. For more info on go to
Shameless promotion....
sorry about Cap, just think about all the things you wil be able to do instead: Angel, Lost, Battlestar and...POOL
Oh, and now we can do the wednesday routine everyday...yay?
wait...isn't this technically post #2????
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