May 27, 2007

Parker's Post #2

Hello again. I offer you, the reader, this lighter and possibly more amusing post to counteract the more serious and vaguely disturbing post presented by Adam and Joss Whedon below, which I will refuse to comment on as it is far to heavy a subject for me to get into in my classically short posts. Nyhah. Moving on; I have come to the conclusion in the last 10 minutes that attic bedrooms lead to an increased level of fitness. Bear with me as I expand on my genius thesis. Due the nature of attic bedrooms, computers have a difficult time receiving wireless internet signals. This in turn leads to me having to set my laptop up in the middle of the floor in my room, in order to access the internet and explore the vast realm that is cyber space. Unfortunately, this lack of a chair and desk leads to uncomfortable seating options. Now you may believe in your naive way, that that would be comfortable, however you would be as wrong as a naked fat man at a nude beach. After the many hours I spend on the computer, sitting cross legged is quite painful and leads to equally painfull pins and needles, which in turn lead to hopping, cursing, banging my head on my low ceiling, blacking out, and waking up in the middle of a park with my pancreas missing (fortunately that only happened once), and now due to my fluctuating blood sugar levels I find it even harder to sit and blog. My lack of insulin aside, this uncomfortable seating means I change positions often and frequently take strech breaks. This stretching has led to an increased level of flexibility, so much in fact that I can now blast out a bridge and touch my toes (with straight legs I might add!) In short, I'm so flexible now I could bang your mother and she'd say, "Damn, that Parker boy is really flexible." And I be all like, "You know it baby."

Well that's that I suppose. Expect more soon, but I figure it's best to give people time before reading more of my posts to prevent people from getting lost within the paradoxial free confines of my twisted mind.

Until then,


Anonymous said...

dude, i found that kinda funny but when i got to the end and saw "fitness" was actually one of the labels i laughed so hard....

well done.

Anonymous said...

when you started i thought the fitness part would be that you have to walk up more stairs than everyone else...