June 11, 2007

Parker's Post #3

Hey, Hey, Hey all you (expletive) (expletive)'s! I realize that in the theme of keeping this blog family oriented I should not cuss or swear, because if I were to learn that I had warped some small child's mind i would feel just pretty damn shitty now wouldn't I? However then I realized that no small children actually read this, and I was all like, "...huh...". So screw you kids! If you don't want to read dirty words like poo, orgy, stupid-head, boobs, bum, bum-crack, bum-hole, ass, ass-face, hooker, concubine, nuts, shit, crack-whore, and various other body part related words, and if you don't want to read phrases like "your momma is so fat...", or, "man, gonorrhea itches like a...", than I strongly recommend you don't read what you just finished reading. you're a very dirty person. For shame.

Moving on. Just 3 days left of school and then I'm done! Oh and Adam too. congrats there palio. But I'm more done. So...Ha. I apologize. I am beginning to ramble, because I really have nothing to say, so I'm going to develop a topic right now...and...Go.

What's the deal with the vegetables? Seriously, they get their own compartment in the fridge and everything. Why should vegetables be given special treatment over other food products? sure they're chock full of vitamins and nutrients, but what about dairy products. they contain nutritive goodness like calcium and vitamin D, but nooooo, that's not good enough to warrant their own special bloody pull out drawer in the fridge. I personally think vegetables are playing us all for fools. I mean, look at celery. What the hell has celery ever done for us? We can't even digest that shit. And shit is what it becomes, because it just passes right through us. We don't even retain calories from it. In fact if you only ate celery, you would die of starvation. So I ask you, my fellow human beings, Will we take this lying down? No! We shall rise up at the evil, repressive fridge drawers for the segregation they impose upon our food groups. I ask you, are not all food groups created equal? Is not protein as necessary to life functions as vitamin C? Rise up brothers and sisters of the new order, rise up and take back from the veggies that which we have worked so hard to create! For I have seen the future, and it is a future in which asparagus and cream cheese walk hand in hand through a new garden of Eden, a garden that has been man made through advanced engineering and mechanics, a fridge without plastic constraints. A fridge of peace and understanding, so that the age old battle between good and evil, right and wrong, veggie and dairy, comes to an end, and a new generation of some kind of cross bred dairy/veggie freak of nature can rule the fridge, and one day, even the counter. And the first step towards this new world is removing that damn slide out drawer that makes the freakin' green pepper so pretentious. Screw you green pepper! I'll eat your children! That's all I have to say about that I guess. And Adam if you never want me to write on here again I'll understand...



InternGnat said...

Please tell me you studied the aparthied stuff.

Anonymous said...

Why would I fire you? This post proves that this blog is capable of hosting intelligent, thought-provoking topics. About vegetables.

Roger said...

i like the new header, and the pictures, and im assuming parker that you know that foods are separated to prevent odd tastes developing, like asparagus that taste like orange (yes i have had that, it tasted gross). and on the subject of vegetables and keeping with the musical nature of this blog, hear is a related song by the Arrogant Worms:

Listen up brothers and sisters,
come hear my desperate tale.
I speak of our friends of nature,
trapped in the dirt like a jail.

Vegetables live in oppression,
served on our tables each night.
This killing of veggies is madness,
I say we take up the fight.

Salads are only for murderers,
coleslaw's a fascist regime.
Don't think that they don't have feelings,
just cause a radish can't scream.

I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)
Watching their skins being peeled (having their insides revealed)
Grated and steamed with no mercy (burning off calories)
How do you think that feels (bet it hurts really bad)
Carrot juice constitutes murder (and that's a real crime)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (let my vegetables go)
It's time to stop all this gardening (it's dirty as hell)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade is a spade)

I saw a man eating celery,
so I beat him black and blue.
If he ever touches a sprout again,
I'll bite him clean in two.

I'm a political prisoner,
trapped in a windowless cage.
Cause I stopped the slaughter of turnips
by killing five men in a rage

I told the judge when he sentenced me,
This is my finest hour,
I'd kill those farmers again
just to save one more cauliflower


How low as people do we dare to stoop,
Making young broccolis bleed in the soup?
Untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes
Let potted plants free, don't mash that potato!

I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)
Watching their skins being peeled (fates in the stirfry are sealed)
Grated and steamed with no mercy (you fat gormet slob)
How do you think that feels? (leave them out in the field)
Carrot juice constitutes murder (V8's genocide)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (yes, your composts are graves)
It's time to stop all this gardening (take up macrame)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade, is a spade, is a spade, is a spade.....

Anonymous said...

roger should start a blog. about vegetables.

Roger said...

or maybe ill start a blog in your comments... which reminds me, i meant to tell you at school; reality is an illusion:

reality is an illusion

People create there own reality, this is a fact of life, for what anyone person sees as there reality is only real from there perspective. Reality is an illusion, one created the viewer by what they see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Everything around us is an illusion and if an individual fails to realize this than they will have a very rude awakening eventually.

Everyone without exception creates illusions around themselves and others. It is these illusions which any one individual perceives as reality. We cast these illations everyday during almost all times when someone else is present, who doesn’t want to appear smart, or tough, or seem to be funny or popular. These are all illusions which everyone creates around themselves, spinning them like a web or cocoon that we then ware like a mask, those of us who are good at it can create a tight web of lies and pass ourselves off as something were not. Also, we as people create impressions and opinions about the people we meet, this is human nature, and is something we all do whether we acknowledge it or not. These preconceptions and expectations surround the people we are around with a second web, one we ourselves have made, and through which we judge there actions.

It is through these two, even three, webs of lies that we must look in order to see our world, and we have control over two of these webs. As a result, while an individual may not be entirely in control of what is around them, they play a large part in creating there perception of what is around them, as a result people create there perception of what is ‘real’. Reality is just an illusion, an illusion we create based upon what we perceive to be real.

Anonymous said...

i like comic books. about vegetables.

Dromics said...

i like vegetables. about comics.

Anonymous said...

Why is this the post with the most comments ever? about vegetables.

InternGnat said...
