Well, we are back and I wanted to make a post about all the amazing stuff that happened to me.
Wednesday (Preview Night)...
on wednesday only the exhibit hall is open but it's freakin' sweet. There are retailer booths, publisher booths as well as several movie production booths (warner bros., new line cinema, etc.)
I met Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham, the writer/creator and artist of Fables, my favourite comic book. Bill signed my #1 Fables issue and Mark did a live sketch of my 2 favourite characters.
I went to a "Lost" panel with the creators/ head writers of Lost as well as a special guest.
I went to the world premiere of Shoot Em Up. They handed out carrots after the movie (if you see it you will understand why).
I met Richard Kelly, writer/director of Donnie Darko and the upcoming Southland Tales.
I met Nick Frost (actor) and David Wright (director), the men responsible for Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and one of the best TV shows ever, Spaced.
We went to the Kevin Smith Q&A which may have been the funniest hour of my life. During the panel the premiere of the TV show Reaper was shown. My cousin Kyle, who lives with me has a role in the show.
Dark Horse Comics announced a Joss Whedon signing at the beginning of Comic-Con. Everyone got a ticked and there was a raffle for who gets to meet Joss. About 150 out of 2500 people were chosen, Parker and I were not one of them. However, with a perfect display of the type of people that are Whedon fans a guy who had previously met Joss won but decided to give away his ticket to someone else. I asked him for it and all he asked in retunr was that I donate some money to Equality Now (Joss's favourite charity). I of course agreed. So it was a random act of kindness that lead to my meeting with my hero.
Next up was the Joss Whedon Q&A which included some huge announcements:
-there will be a Giles tv special on the BBC titled "Ripper"
-Oz will return in season 8
-Joss has written a horror movie "Cabin in the Woods"
-Joss will be making a short film, a ballet starring Summer Glau
-there will be a season 9
-Joss will return to musicals eventually
-there will be more "Fray"
-the script for "Goners" is being edited right now
...I may have missed something but that's a lot.
After that, we checked out a radio type show called "The Comic Book Club", it was hilarious. Check out their site: www.pulpsecret.com
Then it was a 10th anniversary celebration of Buffy held by whedonopolis.com, t wasn;t well organized but singing along to the musical with 1000 people was awesome.
Well that's it for my highlights of Comic-Con, a loth of other fun stuff happened on our trip but that's my "Greatest Hits" collection. I'm sure Parker will post more and I may at another time.
Overall, Comic-Con was pretty much the best thing ever and we will be going again next year. We plan to blog live from San Diego so it should be pretty cool.
Joss's handshake was amazing...
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