January 12, 2008

Best of 2007: The Top Ten Films (Runner-Ups)

2007 was an incredible year for film, making it especially difficult to narrow the best films into a top ten list. I always like to point out the films that almost made the cut. Even between my runner up list and my actual top ten, there are many unmentioned films worthy of recognition. This time around, the films on my runner-up list would have easily made many top ten lists of recent years. In alphabetical order, they are...

4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days© IFC Films

Away From Her© Lions Gate Films

The Darjeeling Limited© Fox Searchlight Pictures

Eastern Promises
Paris, Je T'aime© First Look

Rescue Dawn© MGM

Zodiac© Paramount Pictures

All links in film titles lead to their "Rotten Tomatoes" page

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