So, alas, election day is upon us. Time for me to shamelessly force my opinion onto the Internet, which is really what I always do here anyhow. Now I don't know if Obama is gonna be super awesome fixer president guy, but I do know it will truly suck if McCain wins. If the American public decides to go with him, I will have totally lost faith in them. I will deem them so morally defective that I could no longer share the continent with them. Therefore, I will pimp away to Australia spending long days on my Outback porch rocking the didgeridoo. Of course, I will also be on acid at the time and using only this notorious Australian instrument, I will create a retooled version of the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" that is completely unrecognizable in music or lyric. I will be enthusiastically accompanied on vocals with the ghost of Steve Irwin, not a mean ghost but more of a Casper + Christina Ricci dynamic. When he's not spending his time pissing off ghost animals to boost his ratings (spooooky ratings) we will help out those in need and solve small time crimes. Such adventures will be published as fictional pulp novels with titles such as "The Kangaroo Caper". We will still maintain our musical duo and create top 40 hits, such as "You Say G'Day, I Say G'night". All of this will occur on my aforementioned outback porch whilst tripping on the also aforementioned acid.

Steve says "Happy Voting!"
*oh, and for those who find that my usage of Steve Irwin is in poor taste, keep in mind I could have easily gone down the "too soon" path and referenced a more recently deceased Australian. Damn, I should have done that instead. Seriously imagine me and the Joker pimping around the outback causing trouble in all the wrong places. Wacky fun.
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