.Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams, Doubt
Kathy Bates, Revolutionary Road
The best...
Note: I actually think the best supporting performances by females were in Synecdoche, New York, but there were so many great actresses that I couldn't single one out.
.Best Supporting Actor
Bill Irwin, Rachel Getting Married
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road
The best...
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
.Best Actress
Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married
Meryl Streep, Doubt
The best...
Kate Winslet, Revolutionary Road
.Best Actor
Note: Coincidentally working with my system, there were truly 3 stand out lead male performances. There were a few great ones, but 3 stand as some of the best performances of the decade. Each role is the best of each respective actor's career.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Revolutionary Road
Sean Penn, Milk
The best...
Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler
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