Honourable Mentions
-in alphabetical order
Chop Shop (Bahrani)
Encounters at the End of the World (Herzog)
The Fall (Tarsem)
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Stoller)
Frost/Nixon (Howard)
My Winnipeg (Maddin)
Religulous (Charles)
Slumdog Millionaire (Boyle)
Snow Angels (Green)
Top Ten Films of 2008
-from 10-1, with 1 being best
10. Revolutionary Road (Mendes)

9. Rachel Getting Married (Demme)

8. Milk (Van Sant)

7. Wall-E (Stanton)

6. The Wrestler (Aronofsky)

5. Paranoid Park (Van Sant)

4. Entre Les Murs (Cantet)
Note: Known in North America as "The Class"

3. In Bruges (McDonagh)

2. The Dark Knight (Nolan)

1. Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)

-from 10-1, with 1 being best
10. Revolutionary Road (Mendes)
9. Rachel Getting Married (Demme)
8. Milk (Van Sant)
7. Wall-E (Stanton)
6. The Wrestler (Aronofsky)
5. Paranoid Park (Van Sant)
4. Entre Les Murs (Cantet)
Note: Known in North America as "The Class"
3. In Bruges (McDonagh)
2. The Dark Knight (Nolan)
1. Synecdoche, New York (Kaufman)
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