May 13, 2007

Hot Fuzz

Hot Fuzz is a hilarious homage to action movies, made by Simon Pegg, David Wright and Nick Frost, the guys who brought you "Shaun of the Dead". Pegg plays the perfect big city cop in London who is unwillingly transferred to a small town in rural Britain. The town is Sanford, where everyone knows each other and there have been no murders in 20 years. Not long after the boredom of a crime free town sets in, a series of "accidents" occur. Pegg's character is the only one who believes it to be murder, and without any support except from his action cop movie fanatic partner, played by Frost, he tries to unravel the mystery. The film is extremely funny and much more clever then most of the gross out comedy trend films of recent years. The movie also manages to be expertly filmed, suspenseful and includes more satisfying action then in any of the huge CGI-happy franchises out there now. Also, like Shaun of the Dead, it has sincere characters that get you emotionally attached. Hot Fuzz is an absolute joy to watch, with dozens of solid laughs, terrific action sequences and even an excellent plot. In fact, I think it might be the greatest action comedy I have ever seen. At least, it is the best movie I have seen so far this year.


Colin said...

I would have to agree wholeheartedly excpet that I didn't get to see the last half hour due to the porjectionist being a failure at life...but seriously a good movie, makes me further my annoyance at not yet having seen Shaun of the Dead

Anonymous said...

Well written article.